86% less plastic • 40% less transport fuel
per load when compared to 50oz (32 wash load) bottle of 2x laundry detergent.
Measuring cup and dispensing nozzle ship inside. Easily removed and installed through punch-out hole in side of box.
Most people are familiar with the box of wine that sits in the refrigerator or on a kitchen shelf—ready to dispense at parties. Now Crescent Manufacturing, a North Collins, NY manufacturer of laundry and household cleaning products, has adapted the bag-in-a-box packaging concept for laundry detergent. It’s called the “Cube” and it’s receiving rave reviews for its simplicity and convenience. The Cube is also a big hit with retailers who are trying to reduce warehouse demands and make the most efficient use of limited shelf space.
The compact Cube measures just 6½” x 6½” x 6½”, but it holds an entire gallon of concentrated laundry detergent, and washes an amazing 85 loads! Just like a wine box, the corrugated Cube has a plastic bladder inside with a dispensing nozzle, which is fitted into a punch-out hole in the side of the box. The Cube also comes with an easy to use measuring cup for perfect cleaning every time.
“The Cube has taken off because it’s economical and convenient,” says Emily Frazer, Crescent’s Supply Chain Manager and the designer of the Cube, “but it was originally developed for its environmental and sustainability advantages.” When compared to a 50-ounce bottle (24 wash loads) of 2x laundry detergent, the Cube contains 86% less plastic, and requires 40% less transport fuel per wash load. “If you multiply these savings by the annual laundry detergent sales in the U.S.,” Ms. Frazer says, “That’s a huge amount of fuel that can be used somewhere else, and a huge amount of plastic that won’t have to be recycled.”
The Cube is currently sold exclusively under the “Tempo” brand, and is being offered to grocery and drug chains for private label manufacturing.
The cube holds 1 full gallon, the same as the 1-gallon bottle on the left.